Bereidingstijd: 0-10 minuten
Maaltijdgang: / Lunch/Brunch
Soort keuken: Internationale keuken
Aantal personen:
Ingredienten: 4 Eetlepel olijfolie (in two lots of 2 Eetlepel)
1 cup ui, finely chopped
2 cups (approx.) other groenten, depending on what you have. If raw, cook them with the uien (or steam them); if cooked add them when the uien are soft. You can also add chopped cooked meat if you have some to use up.
6 eieren
1 Eetlepel chopped peterselie
1 Eetlepel chopped fresh basilicum
Bereidingswijze: Heat 2 Eetlepel olie and cook the uien until soft; add the other groenten. Cook until soft (or to taste). Set aside (in a strainer if there is excess olie)
Heat 2 Eetlepel olie (or boter if preferred) in an oven-proof skillet
Beat the eieren with zout and peper to taste in a large bowl. Stir in the herbs and the vegetable mix.
Add the egg-vegetable mix to the hot olie (or boter) in the skillet. Reduce heat and cook until the bottom is set. Keep the temperature low so the bottom does not get too brown too fast.
To cook the top of the omelet, either put under a brolieer for about a minute or put into a hot oven until the omelet is set right through.
To make a lighter frittata, you can beat the whites separately, then mix in the other ingredients. This is then more of a "souffli frittata" and will need more time to cook through because of the air in the mix.